What is a School Readiness Assessment?published: 09/Dec/2023


A school readiness assessment is a tool used to determine if a child is ready for schooling. During the assessment, the child will undergo several tests and interviews with an occupational therapist. The testing may consist of an interview with the parent or guardian; an interview with the child; an interview with the teacher; observation of your child in a clinical setting; standardized assessments; etc.

The criteria used to determine school readiness are: Age, Behavior, Physical Development (including neurological/cognitive), Emotional Development/Social Development, Language & Communication Skills & Cognitive Skills (including memory).

A School Readiness Assessment (SRA) is designed to give parents information about their children’s development and help them make decisions about their education. The SRA will provide information on how the child is doing in relation to other kids his age.
Contact us today if you would like to book a school readiness assessment for your child.

Cell: 073 796 4396
Email: info@goldenoccupationaltherapist.co.za